Are you looking for bug-related activities geared towards adults? Want to spend some time in the museum – after hours – with the bugs, butterflies, and, of course, beer? The Missoula Butterfly House and Insectarium is excited to introduce Roosting Hours! Join us for an after-hours, adults-only evening of museum exploration and activities. Engage in seasonally-themed crafts and trivia, get up close and personal with some of our animal ambassadors, and experience the butterfly house during twilight hours.
Upcoming Dates: All dates are Thursdays
January 30th
February 14th
March 27th
April 24th
May 22nd
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Place: Missoula Butterfly House and Insectarium, 1075 South Ave W.
Cost: $14 Non-members, $10 members
What Are Roosting Hours?
“[A] behavior in which individuals aggregate quiescently in close proximity to each other at a site for more than a few hours.
P. J. DEVRIES, J. SCHULL, N. GREIG, Synchronous nocturnal activity and gregarious roosting in the neotropical skipper butterfly Celaenorrhinus fritzgaertneri (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Volume 89, Issue 1, January 1987, Pages 89–103

When the sun goes down, and activity slows at the butterfly house and insectarium, many of our butterfly species take to roosting. During these quiet hours, butterflies congregate in common areas, dangling from vines, perching on a warm wall, and occasionally clinging onto each other. While it’s not exactly “getting some shuteye” (hard to do when they don’t have eyelids), the butterflies rest in these small communities until the sun rises the following day. Join us and wind down with the butterflies, experience the magic of the museum after hours, and engage in fun activities with whomever you decide to spend your Roosting Hours with!